Blog,blog,blog,blog. Im blogging :D
Ok, New Zealand is amazing. I love the country.
Boop has gone home already. which sucks. miss her already
I have started attending a school here in NZ just until april 9th. then back to australia. The school is such a MAZE. everything looks the same and i can never remember where each class is or anything. Always need someone to show me, which sucks, but I've usually just got this one group of people that show me to each class.
I made a group of friends. kind of. Especially one boy. Tom (im pretty safe using his name because there are so many of them). hes pretty cool. all into drama and stuff. have art and english with him. hes been the nicest person at school so far, and thats saying something because nobody has been mean to me:P
The school buildings seem pretty old and could do with some fixing uppering. new walls and new paint and new desks and stuff... there arent even any ceiling fans. or heaters or anything. we had an assembly and we had to take our shoes off while still being in our classrooms, and then had to walk across the school barefoot so we "dont trek dirt into the gym" pffft how stupid.. i dont like feet so it was kinda very gross for me.
i have to walk to school each day and then back home again each day. thats annoying.. it takes me over half an hour to get there each day because i walk slowly because i dont want to get sweaty and yucky for the day ahead. but on the way home it takes me less then fifteen minutes, even though its uphill, because i know i am on my way home so it doesnt really bother me if i get sweaty and yucky than lol.
lunches and "interval" which to me is recess, i sit/stand near what i think is the music block, its "j" block i think. and I think i am the only girl at that group, but thats because i dont really know any girls. except for Carmen and this other girl who i dont remember her name.
one of the guys i hang out with. he reminds me so so so much of Joshy G. he also kind of reminds me of Zac efron. but i havent yet told him this, but i am planning on. just not the Zac Efron bit lol. but when i first really looked at this guy i almost had a heart attack. i could have sworn it was joshy g.
on a completely different note. The Bushfires in Victoria, Australia. I've been reading up on that pretty much every day, and dad tells me about it as well. It is so horrible. How anyone could be stupid enough to do that is beyond me. and all those lives lost. it is so very tragic. i pretty much cry everytime a read a bit about it. i hope the people who caused the fires go away for life. people like that dont deserve freedom, or respect. or anything. they should be put in a place where they get nothing except for the very bare essentials. they should suffer for what they have caused the people that died, were injured, lost everything. for what they have caused a nation to suffer.
Best of luck to all in the Victoria fires. May those lost Rest in peace, may those left behind have the best of luck from now on. My greatest sympathies to everyone.
and i hope those BASTARDS that did it pay.
love you and miss you uncle
New Venture
9 years ago