I am going to pretend I have never blogged before. As in, metaphorically deleting the old posts (but I cant bring myself to do that for real!).
I am FiFi. Yes, as in, Fee-Fee.. But I prefer the former spelling. I am eighteen-years-old. So, in honour of that, I am going to tell you eighteen interesting (or not so interesting) facts about myself.
1) I am an international jetsetter... (only to New Zealand though but shhh)
2) I am accomplished in the art of boredom. No seriously I am.
(ok, I'm stumped... think think think!!!)
3) I go to gay bars. But I'm not gay.
4) I'm a window-shopperholic! Because I am too poverty stricken to buy anything.
5) I only eat one type of chocolate... CHERRY RIPE
6) Even though I am eighteen I am obssessed with Disney.
7) I love heels, but they hurt my feet, so by the end of the day I am barefoot.
8) I hate rabbits. With a passion. They disgust me.
9) I have my learners licence but nobody will take me driving.
10) I google words if I dont know how to spell them.
11) I am addicted to Facebook, and becoming a fan of pages.
12) I LOVE bookshops.... especially secondhand ones, with their bargains and the smell!!
13) I am petrified of dentists. I refuse to go.
14) I am not scared of hospitals. I dont get the fear everyone has of them.
15) I love being drunk, but I dont like the taste of alcohol.
16) I like new age stuff. :)
17) I love when the power goes out, except for the lack of using facebook.
18) I love storms. a good thunder and lightening storm in the middle of the night. nothing like it, along with the rain on the tin roof.
There we go. Now you know me.. or just a few facts.. Which took about half an hour to think of. :)
New Venture
9 years ago
Ahh!!! It's lovely to see you blogging again Fi :)
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