I am a little slow... with the whole updating thing that is. Delayed much??
I have been working. Mondays, Fridays and Sundays. At a supermarket.. what a blast. I dont think my feet will ever recover. I shouldnt be on my feet for longer then five minutes at a time.. unless I am shopping. but from five hours to eight hours on my feet at once.... thats just crazy. add onto that the two different buses to get there.. the first one taking about ten minutes the second one taking forty odd minutes, and than having to walk down six flights of stairs to get the the shopping complex car park, across the car park and then work. then at the end cross the car park again and go UP the six flights of stairs.. UP them.. much worse then just going down them. and then (on sundays) catching two different buses or (fridays and mondays) catching one bus for centuries!! mannn working isnt for me... the money, however, is a completely different story.. ten buckaroos an hour.. not too bad i guess.
School has kind of fizzled out for me over here.. i just couldnt get into going to school here.. wayyyy to different to any school i have ever been too. A SIX DAY TIMETABLE. like.. umm, crazy. When I first found out about that i thought they meant i would have to go to school on a Saturday.. they quickly corrected me on that one. thank god.. but it was so confusing, so i just learned that the classes go in a row. say i had a free line, art history, history, photography and then english on one day, the next day it would go art, a free line, art history, history, photography and so on like that for six days. and then go back to the beginning.. :S urrrghhh drove me bonkers it did.
So, I am still in NZ which should be pretty obvious. Have made some kinda friends here,, recognise people while out finally... which i like do be able to do.. i like to be able to go "hey Becbec, i know that dude/chick over there!" only happens sometimes though.
Have got some new clothes, some new tights. some new shoes:D some presents for peoples. and need to take some photos.
We bought some alcohol today.. a packet of six shots and a bottle of smirnoff. me and Becbec had all the shots.. three each. and then started the Smirnoff... that didnt go far.. one glass each.. we wanted alcohol, but then we sooo were not in the mood for it.. it just made us feel kinda sick:P So we have some alcohol left.. we wanted to get absolutely drunk for St Patricks day... umm.... didnt last long.
we are sooo brilliant with alcohol.!
I had a thing about trying to lose Kumbars phone. I will sometimes take it to work with me. the first time i left it on the bus. the bus driver got it for us cos becbec called up straight away when i told her as soon as i got home. so that one was very lucky, cos the bus driver took it right out of a passengers hands because they had found it :P:S and the second time i was getting changed at work, left it in the toilet cubicle, and got to the steps on the other side of the car park.. had just started up them when i heard a phone start to go off and i was like "ohh damnnnn" and turned back. it was where i had left it. mind you it was lucky, i got there just as becbec was calling me to ask me to do a bit of shopping for her.. if i had of got the call while at the steps i would have said no. i wouldnt have turned back to get it. LOL.
I got some charcoal sticks for my art and have only used them once really because i need to get an erazer for it. because i stuff up and cant get rid off the mistake. but oh wells. i will get one soon enough.
Have been reading some fan fiction.. going back over old stories that i have already read but loved. ahh good stuff good stuff. been on msn a bit. and myspace and all that jazz.. the normal stuff. my favourite days have turned out to be Tuesdays and Wednesdays. because i dont work. i dont like thursdays or saturdays because i know i have work the next days. fridays, mondays and sundays..... well thats just obvious.
well Im gona buzz on out.. its a bit late and i need sleeppp :P:P
night all.. or morning.. or whatever :D
New Venture
9 years ago
Bugger the work thingy is a real drag isn't it darling?
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