I havent blogged in a few days.. oopsies.. my bad
Sitting down in the lounge room with becbec, boop, kumar and willykins,. Kumar watching some shitty show, becbec on the phone to unc. bid playing with willykins and me blogging. :)
havent been up to a lot lately.. went to browns bay yesterday.. it was fun. i really like browns bay. and then we went to albany.. Browns Bay is beautiful. and i had the best chicken burger in the world. the only problem was it had onion, other then that it was the best burger in the world. I want another one NOW lol.
talked to one of my friends from tassie. hes a nice kid. goes to one of the private schools at home. we catch the same bus to town each day and back again, and i met him last year. i think hes around 13 or something. sometimes he can be annoying, but hes better then most of the kids on the bus.. lol
there was a terrible photo of me taken. and i want it deleted. but a certain someone will not delete the photo. whenever i take a photo of that certain someone and s/he doesnt like it and tells me to delete it i delete it. i just wish that s/he would show the same courtesy to me that i show to he/r. it would be muchly appreciated.
apparantly there is a convicted rapist that escaped from prison just near here. Becbec just found out about it. so a bit of worry now. said not to approach him or anything. Kumar has decided we are taking the vacuum cleaner pole upstairs with us.. hes more of a wuss then us girls. he was like "lock the doors, close the windows. lock the cat flap"...
so sure im a bit nervous about that as well.. but id safely say kumar is more so.. BAHAH lol.
i think a mozzie bit my forehead. because its itchy.
now they are talking about things to use to protect us.. a fork to stab his eyes out... umm. so now we are using kitchen utensils to protect ourselves..
im hungry.
ive been reading a story
i want to continue.
but everyone is going to bed.
New Venture
9 years ago
LMAO!!! Random much!!
We could also use your shoes as a weapon lol. Smell might knock him out cold, heheh
a) onions are good for you and
b) I don't think kumar has much to worry about with the rapist and
c) I loves ya sweet and
d) I can't wait for you to get home - its too damn quiet around here without ya
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