I am sooooooooo soooooooo sooooooo hungry. Today, all I have had to eat is Two Salami Sandwhiches. but there is no extra food. bummer.. did i mention i am hungry?
anyways. enough about that.
today was spent reading.. mainly just the one story. as i have probably mentioned before, i read online. mainly at a site called fanfic.net... its awesome.. its my third or fourth home. :P
i have started writing my story now.. in the book i got yesterday? (not sure if it was yesterday or the day before)
i'm writing it as a diary kinda perspective.. but not as mine,.. how boring would that be.. just going on about how hungry i am.....
I love shopping (or window shopping) at Albany and the other place.. cant remember what that is called at the moment (short term memory loss atm).. especially at the place i cant remember the name of. but the shopping centre is soooo big.. but at the same time i think it could be bigger.. maybe thats just my girly shopping loving side of me talking.
I have done nothing to my hair today.. just because i was too lazy to and i wasnt going anywhere. But, i think I am going to do my hair how i had it yesterday.. cos i really really like it like that... (and i dont care if other people dont like it.. except of course uncyy.. :D)
becbec saw a fabulous sight today.. but if you are curios then ask her about it yer? LOL. she will know what I mean.. all I will say is next door neighbour in the kitchen ;);)
Someone needs corkscrewing because they are insufferable
anyways.. off i go to write my of my new story
New Venture
9 years ago
Fifi - you are losing the plot lol - loves ya sweet. I will buy you pizza tomorrow
eww I hope it wasn't the old guy she saw lol
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