There Unc,, I blogged....
Hello there my peoples.
hows it all going?
good new year so far?
ok. I went like a week without hairspray or eyeliner.. OMG my life almost ended!!!! but alas, have no fear, i have them back.. and my hair is feeling soo much better now.. though it does need a haircut..
Bubba is soo adorable. And quite seriously actually pretty well behaved.... compared to other little kids.. *cough*monkeykidsatalbany*cough* he is so chatty and huggable and pooey and cute and all that. i love being around him.. except of a nighttime when trying to sleep or when he turns the computer on and off all the time.
its been great spending soo much time around becbec. we have gone out heaps.. (i like going out heaps)and done a bit of shopping.. i want to go exploring the area that we live in, but becbec doesnt want to.. lazy bum she is..(so am i though) soi have to wait for boop to get here on saturday!!!!!! =] oooh i am excited that she is coming over.. :D
i really really like it here. except for the heat. i cant handle heat. it is my enemy. yesterday on the bus the busdriver accidentally left the middle doors open and me and becbec were sitting right opposite them, so the breeze was hitting us and it was sooo nice. but then the busdriver realised they were open so he had to close them because none of the bells could ring for the stops. and the heat hit us like a ton of bricks and i almost died... again.. it was soo hot and i couldnt breathe.. it was terrible..
i have found my new favourite shop.. i think its called Rivendell or something.. it is amazing.. its like a spiritual type shop and i just want to buy everything in it. it is amazing.. i think i already said that but it seriously is.. i love it.
as a bonus i also really like the dollar shops.. they are even better then chickenfeed.. i have a tendency to get quite a few things from there.
i have to convince becbec to go exploring with me already..
i have only talked to my friends from home a couple of times..
i have yet to make any friends here.... maybe they are all just hiding at the moment lol.
On another note,, I am in the mood to party.. Like, typical teenage parties.. but not knowing anyone here means none of those parties lol. oh wells. (not that i party or anything unc.. def not!!! =P)
anyways... i updated. i love you
New Venture
9 years ago
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