So, because I am so totally awesome and ninja and because of my ninja-ness I can update and stuff super quick. So, with my ninja-ness I am blogging again today.
Wells bells, I have been talking to the beautiful and gracious Becbec about my blog. What I should add to my blog, because it is so simple and boring I need some interesting and cool stuff. so....
I love hair. Like, not hairdressing love, but... I love good hair. hair. hair. (I decided to put fullstops in them so my blog cant be found via those words.) I even like some sixties hairstyles. I know it probably sounds sad and egocentric, but I love my hair. Especially when it is done good. I like my hair to look good. I dont care if other people think it looks bad, but as long as I like it. LOL. ok so this blog entry wasnt meant to be about my hair.
Ok, so I am going to pick some shit out of hair or compliment it. Because I think I am a good enough judge of that type of hairstyle. So, from now on, (what day is today?) Wednesdays are going to be hair judging days for me :) Awesome huh?Ok, so Number One Sce.Ne hair.
No offence to the girl. none intended at all. cant link her because I've had this pic for agess
ok. the Coontails? (ie. the stripe black and white in her fringe. namde derived from raccoon tails) perfectly done. Maybe too many, and shouldnt really be done in the fringe, but they are well done. The flower in her hair? umm, yeh, nah a big NONO. Probs best to have a smaller flower or a small bow yea! The bobbie pin in the fringe should come out once the hair has been sprayed. Overall quite good :)
*Hair Extenstions anyone*Number Two hair. Once again no offence intended.
So. Coontails (read above about coontails) are tiny, too many and not very well done. The spacing in them is minute and uneven. Plus the rest of her hair is obviously pretty much her natural hair colour. How does that equal None of the poof that scene hair usually has. Hair isnt even straightened that good. sure its the kinda straight you want for your leavers dinner of prom, but for hair? the ends are flicked outwards people! not straight!. Sure its cute and nice. But compare it to the one above and its nothing. No individuality or anything about it.
But it is nice. there is no denying that.
ok. So there we have it. two hairstyles judged today. I am sorry I couldnt reference the pictures because I just have them sitting around on my hardrive that I saved yonkiedonkey ages ago!
With Love
New Venture
9 years ago
Just don't judge my hair ;-)
I like the top hairstyle okay, but definitely not the flower. I like the idea of doing "crazy" things with my hair, but once I play with it for a couple of minutes I get tired and just let it go back to normal.
I think I have good hair - no style but - being a Mum and having time to do your hair - no chance!
My little sister also went through the emo/scene stage - she's kinda grown out of it now that she's 18
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