So, a not so busy day today. Sitting at home, talking to Becbec. And planning. Planning what is going to happen while in NZ. Not that half of it will probably happen. But where is the fun in no plans?
So far we have to places to go to for fun:
- Spookers... the horror place. OMG it looks so awesome. and because I am seventeen I can get in!!! LOL. Kumar IS going into the haunted house and stuff with me, cos Becbec is too wussy and she will have Willie to look after.. did I mention Wuss?????
-Rainbows End.... oohoohooohoooh I have wanted to go there for ages, it looks so much fun. becbec hasnt been there yet. so it should be fun, even if she doesnt go on any rides.
and then, there is the thing we ARE doing for the first night. GOING OUT TO DINNER. That happens so rarely. We will be going to an Indian Restaurant that is situated not far from where becbec lives. and I have been desiring some Indian food for a while. We have a few Indian restaurants here but they arent the same, well in my opinion anyway, lol.
so we were looking at all the fun things we could do and they seemed the best. We WILL come up with more things to do as well. Especially as me and Becbec cannot resist shopping when we are together, even if it is window shopping.
I am so very looking forward to seeing my Becbec and Willykins again,,, ooooh it has been way to long, even if it was only in september. as i said, wayyyyyy tooo long.,!
well, still talking to Becbec on the phone, though slightly ignoring her to write this so i will be off
Adios Amigo!!
New Venture
9 years ago
oooo, I totally missed this post. I can't believe I didn't see it lol.
Spookers, yes, yes. It should be lots of fun. But as I said we will have a long way to travel to get to it, but hopefully it will be worth it. We will have to catch the train and probably some buses as well. (I've never been on a train!!)
Oh and good luck getting Kumar to go in, hehe. If he does he will cling to you like a baby lol. OOO this is going to be fun...
I can't wait until you get here now!!!
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