Ahh, isn't it fun to sit at home and relax, or should I say die of boredom? Well, truth be told, it wasn't that boring.
Spent almost the entire day talking to Becbec, but I don't mind cos she is brilliant and I love her heaps. No, Becbec, I am NOT suck-holing :P
cam2cam with her as well because we are awesome like that.
I found a pair of skinnies to wear today. Cos all my clothes are in the wash cos daghda slept on the couch and got her fur all over them, daghda being the dog. The skinnies are an old pair, that has holes in them and I wrote on because they were holey. They are too big for me in length and width. LOL.
I read a blog entry on one of my friends myspace pages. It was quite deep and meaningful, if a little grammatically incorrect. It was about the local hangout area for teenagers in the city of the state in Australia in which I live in. I happen to agree with her on what she has said. about the teens that are classified as "emo" or "scene" from one side and the teens that are classified as "bogans" or "deros" from the other side, and the violence that ensues between the two over nothing more then the fashion sense of the two. But because of that it has esclatated to more then that. They fight over useless and stupid shit. which all boils down to the colour and length of ones fringe basically. STUPID FREAKING MORONS.
But nobody outside of teenagers care. not even the teens care.
I, as I said previously, am in agreeance with what she had to say.
"We are not the disaffected youth of tomorrow. We are more than that, but as kinda, that's what people think when they hear the vulgar language and see the things that happen. But then you tell us we are the future, but what is to say about the future if each generation gets worse than the one before? No one can predict what's going to happen, but if something isn't done-instead of it being seen as a minor issue, then we are going to end up."
Well. Taken straight from her blog, she has a point.
Enough about that blog, this is my own blog.
I have a bottle of red creaming soda above my head and it is fantabulous, so yummy. I haved my curtain open so i can see the trees blowing in the wind and the grey sky. The best of the trees are the ones that belong on my, or rather my uncles, property. The rest are just basic Australian trees, so nothing extraordinary about them. Ever since I was a little girl I have loved trees. I used to love climbing them, though I wasn't so fond of climbing back down them as I had a weird fear that I would fall out of them, yet I wasn't worried about that when I was climbing them.
Well, Becbec wanted a post, so there ya go lovely.
See ya on the flip side
New Venture
9 years ago
Fifi you are definitely completely random and crazy, but I love reading your posts. I never know what to expect.
Don't get me started on the whole "emo" thing. I'm not a bogan or anything but I think it's all just SO silly. One day all you teenagers will look back and be very embarrassed. Your kids will never see pics of you at 17, lol.
Anyway keep up the blogging my dear. I love toy read it:)
Oh and fifi, be prepared. You will be sitting on the phone to me again today and tomorrow and the day after, etc, etc, etc, lol.
Also you need to add some links to your blog. Your fave sites and stuff. I would suggest changing the template of the blog so that you can see the links down the side and so on, but that's just me:D
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