Ok, so no posts lately. Hmmm whyy? Well that could be because I was very sick the other day. Like vomiting and head spins and everything. Ohh it was bad. I felt like I was dying, or in labour, LOL. I ended up falling asleep on the hallway floor at dads cause I had gotten comfortable there and was scared that if I moved to a bed it would make me sick again. So I was given a blanket and a pillow and slept. And then Becbec called. Goodbyeee sleep. LOL. But thats ok cos it was Becbec. We had been on the phone to each other most of the day. I did, after all, get her to call me at 6:30 my time, so 8:30 hers because I was up so early.
But that day passed, and then yesterday I felt alright when I wasn't moving around too much or doing anything. And I was on the phone to Becbec a lot again, as always seems to be the case. LOL. And then Gar.Nie and I went up to the servo to get lunch and to talk to Uncle for a few minutes. We spent a while up there. I had the most yummy roll ever. It was a egg, ham, tomato and mayo roll. sound familiar becbec? except you would have yours with cheese and no tomato. well i had mine without cheese and with tomato cos I like tomato and I wasnt allowed cheese because of being sick-ish. LOL. but as I said it was yummy. I want another one. With CHEESE thanks.
Ok, today I have, as normal, spent the day on the phone to Becbec, but its all cool. She keeps me entertained and vice versa.
I got a letter from the Department of Education, and I was thinking Oh shit, my report, but it was just my Students Assistance Scheme approval letter. Which is all good, because that means that I do not have to pay a single thing for college next year, just like this year.
I havent got dressed at all today, because I am a lazy person and cbf doing it. I havent checked my phone to see if I have any messages either, which I usually check as soon as I am up, just out of habbit, because usually I have no messages anyway.
I took some rubbish up to the bin but went the long way because I was trying to be sneaky, and didnt want my nan to know that I was outside. But the dogs decided to bark at me, and my nan saw a person wearing all blue walking up the old driveway. (uhmm, that was me :S) I lied to her and told her I was in the toilet. Well, I had been a few minutes before. But Shhh, my nan is a firm believer in slave labour. I have grown up with it, so now I always tell her in a minute and rarely get around to it. That may seem harsh or mean or whatever to a lot of people, but you seriously dont know my nan. She is a pathological liar. I am serious. You can never trust anything she says, and she wants to know everything. Think Colleen from H&A and you will still have nothing on my nan. If you dont do something she wants right here right now, she gets so angry and fired up. I am serious when I say she is psycho. Especially at me. I mean, dont get me wrong or anything, I love her to bits, she can be the sweetest old lady (when she wants something). but thats rarely. She is pushy and mad and insane. Plus she is a hoarder (spelling?). But thats my nan for ya. What could she do against a seventeen-year-old? I mean, she would never go psycho at the teen, never cut the teen, never do anything wrong, it would be the teen anyway, and the teen could defend herself right? well. I could defend myself, against nan at least, but I dont want to hurt her.
Blah, whinge mode there, because of a crazy old woman that makes the evilest and most cruel of all villains and evil people seem like they are sweet little toothfairy type people. Gahhh.
Ciao! Ci vediamo dopo.
New Venture
9 years ago
Yep you sure were sick my dear. You were the last person I expected a message from at that time of day, lol.
Nan? Crazy? NEVER......... (lol)
Nan? Crazy? of course!! lol
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