So, because of my lack of doing anything today I asked Becbec what to blog about. And because she is a beautiful genius she suggested me blogging about me going to NZ like the things I shall be taking etc etc. So here goes.
To do list:
-recieve passport : Is on its way in the post.
-pay airfare: Check
-tell the people that need to know, or should probs know so they dont try and hangout with someone who isnt there: half done
-pack my bags/suitcase: will do that closer to the date
now just got wait until it gets here
Things I am going to take with me:
-Gar.Nie's phone (she'll be using mine cos mine wont work in NZ)
-Gar.Nie's suitcase (because I don't have one)
-my dresses (2-4 of them)
-my tights (get some more)
-converse (might wear them over on the plane though)
-thongs (ie for those who are american flipflops)
-money (save it up peoples, I want heaps thanks))
- a few t-shirts (because I am povo and don't have that many + I am getting more when in NZ)
-maybe take my straightener (unless becbec gets one)
-eyeliner (cannot live without it)
-toiletries (now if you cant figure that one out then get a brain)
- and probs some other stuff, I will think about it as the time gets closer.
Well, today I put all the stuff on my laptop that I want to keep onto a USB so uncle, the purely amazing and perfect, can clean my hardrive and all the stuff that need to be done to it, he knows, I did know, but through my vagueness have forgotten what it is. I would know if I heard it.
Well Becbec is off the phone to me at the moment because she is bathing Willykins, but she will be ringing me back up. I've been having so much fun talking to her lately, we've been planning, or more to the point I've been planning and she has been listening and agreeing with my plans, lol. As is probably obvious, I am very overly excited, and probs driving most people mad. But hey, I think it is only fair. Last year when Gar.Nie and Bi.D went over to NZ I had to stay behind just so they could go. I should be given the sister of the year award, thats how great I am. So, I had to put up with their excitement for weeks, listening to the song they made up and listen to their plans. It drove me MAD (I know uncle, I was already mad) and the night before they left, when I was about to leave for home I balled my eyes out (as I have a tendency to do) and I think I made them proficiently guilty, at least I hope I did.
I have been to the airport to see becbec off several times now, and each time I go I cry, even though I say that I wont. It's just so hard to see her off and know that I wont see her in ages, I wont get to hug her in ages and I wont get to talk to her face to face, or see willykins for ages, even though we have those beautiful inventions: internet and phone and webcam but they arent the same as the real thing. So, I hate seeing her off, but I also prefer to see her off as I dont want to say bye to early so doing it at the last minute helps.
I get along with becbec heaps good because we have so many similar interests. We both love reading and stuff, and we both love willykins lol. She is probably my best friend because she ahs always been there for me. I love her so much and I am glad we are so close.
In saying this, I don't mean that I dont love my other two sisters. Because I do. More then anything, and they are also my best friends. Always been there for me and vice versa. I dont know what I would do without them. Gar.Nie and Bi.D are the best. All three of my sisters are beautiful and mean the world to me. Even if we do fight like cats and dogs sometimes (I know, frequently uncle!) lol.
Uncle has been busy working outside on the outside of the house. But, because I dont want to get in his way I stay inside on the phone to becbec so neither me nor her get in his way :P okay so thats not really why I stay inside...... Im the coffee maker!!! isnt that right unc????? LOL
love you heaps my beautiful uncle. I call him just uncle because he has always been there, ever since I was a baby. And saying uncle (insert name here) is just too long and doesnt suit him. used to also call him ankle when we were little, probs because sometimes we couldnt say uncle and then it became a joke. Uncle is a second parental figure to me and my sister, and most of the time he is a first parental figure.. I have lived with him for over a year now and I most certainly do not regret living with him. I love the place and him so much. With uncle, and our living place..... It is just perfect, it is really home again, plus its being renovated kinda so its becoming more a home.. the place we live, it is so full of memories. Of mum and childhood, and fun and love.
When I was little I didnt want the place to ever change, but as I have grown I have come to accept it more, sometimes I get a little teary over the changes but it doesnt bother me so much anymore... as long as the changes arent so huge that it will no longer be home. the reason I didnt want the changes to happen when I was little was because how things were was how mum would have remembered things and I didnt want to lose that because that was some of the last things I had of mum. But now I know that mum wouldnt mind. That mum would probs want the changes and the changes arent so drastic. Plus I have other things of mum.
Wow that was pretty deep. LOL. I got a bit teary writing that, hmm emotional much? oh wells,, moving on.
that is the end of this ramble
Au revoir
New Venture
9 years ago
Lol's fifi. That was a long post. See you have lots to say really.
I was the same about the house- never wanted it to change. I hate change and I have never known why, lol.
Also your so sweet. You girls are my best friends too:)
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