I could write about myself, and it could be quite interesting. Or I could write about something else entirely. But I dont really care which one I write about. As this blog is about my "mundane musings".
NCIS is on the television at the moment. Good show that one. I like it, its not so focused on the characters as on the actual story line, but at the same time it leans on the characters. I think the characters are quite well rounded and humourous.
I'm seventeen-years-old, female, and have been told that I am quite vague sometimes. My interests lay heavily towards writing, reading and art, and I have recently discovered a love for making short little videos.
I have many different aspirations for my life. My main goal is to become an author. But I start stories and never finish them.
I have three sisters and a nephew. Writing about myself has never been easy for me, because my personal self is quite actually pretty boring. I feel uneasy writing or talking about myself because I feel that people might be thinking I think too much of myself, but you know what? I no longer care about that. So here goes:
I am quite smart, and I believe I know more than the average, or even slightly above average, teenager and young adult. I don't like a lot of people, but I don't say anything to their faces because I don't like confrontation. Well public confrontation.
I dont excessively text people, because the person I am texting may not want me to text them or they might be doing something so I don't want to interrupt them.
I type very fast, and love typing and showing my speed off. Because I know I am faster then most people. Seeing as I lack speed on the sporting field.
Speaking of sport. I suck horribly at anything physical. It just is not my thing. I would use any excuse to get out of sport throughout high school. I would re-use notes, etc etc. Sport is not something that should be glorified the way it is, because they are not the people that are going to better the world.
well enough
next post might actually be interesting.
New Venture
9 years ago
lol, I do so love you fifi. The whole not into sports thing kind of runs in the family doesn't it? lol. I'm so excited that you have started a blog... AGAIN. Keep it up:)
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