Okk so, Been bumming and boring here. On the phone to Becbec (which isnt boring by the way) and have been discussing the upcoming trip (HEHEHEHEH so excited!. Have been reading online. As normal. Left my book that I was reading at dads, so reverted to Internet.
Ok so I just went for a walk to the beach with my neighbour. It was hot and windy, and because of the heat made both of us thirsty, and it sucks that there is no shop around our area to get a drink. So we came back earlier then was probably planned. Not that that bothered me as it was so hot. We went to the old bomb shelter thing, and because the water has dried up we were able to go into the lower parts of it. The last time I was there the bottom was inaccessible due to the water. Some of it was still under an inch or two of water, but most of those bits had boards and bricks so we could walk across them.
I really like the old bombshelter, i think it is cool. but maybe that is because it is private property and I am a teenager, so technically I am tresspassing. Oh wells, it is still fun, and it is right next to the beach. The walls have rubbish graffiti on them, but thats because the local teenagers aren't that creative! lol. There were also old cans of "Pulse" because, like, that is so hardcore. You know, tresspass and then drink PULSE. That is kinda weak.. but oh wells. teenagers from my area. TskTsk.
A word of, I dont know, something. Knowledge I guess is what I am about to give you. A lot of people have probably heard the term "Taxing" being used by teenagers. They say they "Taxed" a pair of shoes or something. Their version of taxing is actually stealing. they stole those shoes. The teenagers claim that it is their right to "tax" the item, because they pay for food or something. These are middle-class kids who have everything they need anyway, yet they go around and shoplift.
Just thought I'd let some people in on it. So, "taxing" equals "stealing". Also, the kids are getting crafty these days with it. I know, I've seen some of them do it. I think it is stupid and inappropriate. The middle-class kids who use the term "taxing" are the ones that do it more often then most other middle-class kids who just call it stealing.
Sunday, 30 November 2008
A Little Bit of Teenage Knowledge Passed On
Posted by FiFi at 11:58 2 comments
Labels: Becbec, bombshelter, Taxing
Thursday, 27 November 2008
first photos :)
I've gotten lazy and havent been keeping you posted on my wonderfully interesting life
So, you can see pictures of me, and people! people i love :)
Talked to Becbec on the phone and got heaps of Xmas pressies today. i got becbecs bday pressie. she is going to love it. i know she will. :)
BTW Will does have chickenpox. thought I'd mention that cos becbec didnt. LOL :)
Posted by FiFi at 20:12 3 comments
Labels: Becbec, chickenpox, photos
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Poetry, Dedication
Ok, so it has been a day or two since I last posted. Want a reason? Well, I wanted to post a poem. The problem with that is that I didnt know what to write. When I write poetry I dont just settle for whatever, I need it to be good, really good, before I let other people see it. But I haven't really written any poetry this year, it has mostly been short stories and stuff for English Writing, because in that class most people preferred poetry, so I had to be different and focus on stories. Thats because I don't like to conform to the majority.
Today has been a normal day. You know, on the phone to Becbec :).. Ooh also, I went into the supermarket by myself. I hate going places by myself, I always need someone to go with me. But I went in BY MYSELF!!! Proud anyone?? I am. But its not going to happen often!
Black and white
A faded photograph,
My memories of you
Are fading and breaking,
Years are passing
Taking me from you,
A warm embrace
I can never get back,
Words of compassion
Only you could give,
A home to be held
Within my very heart,
The pain is fading
Floating away,
As I whisper
A final goodbye
Dedicated to my mother, as an early 47th birthday present. She died of cancer when I was little. I will have another poem written for her and post it on her birthday.
Thats the best I have been able to write in a while. I kind of like it, but it wasn't really what I had in mind.
And speaking of dedicated, DEDICATION. I have said before that I want to write a book, well, the reason I havent yet is because I lack dedication. Like, I start, then stop for the day or something and I never continue. Like, I have written stories that are over 20 pages long, but I stop and never finish.
I spend a lot of my time reading and writing Fan Fiction (Fan Fiction is writing stories based around characters or themes from something, ranging from books, to movies, to bands and tv shows. Harry Potter is a major thing to write in within the world of Fan Fiction. google Fan Fiction and you will then know). A lot of Fan Fiction based of books or movies or tv shows are even better then the original.
(Harry Potter fanfiction on fanfiction(dot)net has over three hundred thousand stories!) I like writing fan fiction because everything is already created, all I need to write is the story line. But even with fan fiction I put it down for the night and I dont continue it again, or I do, but rarely.
I love reading things, because it is all written, its not MY imagination that everything is coming from, so, then I dont know what is about to happen.
Sleep Well my little grasshoppers!
Posted by FiFi at 21:37 3 comments
Labels: Becbec, Dedication, Poetry
Friday, 21 November 2008
So, because I am so highly intelligent and a complete genius and all that bull I am trying to think what I can do to make my blog interesting for Fridays. So far, so blank. (I know, I know, I am always blank uncle, but shhhh dont tell everyone that or I wont make any friends!).
I was considering reviewing a book or something, but I dont know what book. I seriously have to think about books more. I am thinking Saturdays can be my poetry days, because I love writing poetry, and sunday can maybe be movie reviewing because I love movies. So Friday can be Music reviewing days.
Ok, so as I said about hair, I believe I am a good judge of hair. Well I also believe the same about music.
So, we will start with a song from my all time favourite band: Panic at the disco. No doubt you have heard of them if you know a teenager. Last year they were a pretty freaking big thing. This year not so much, because people dont really like how their music has turned out. So they didnt write an album about how being famous is actually pretty shitty blahblahblah, like most bands like them would have. Rather they wrote the song:Northern Downpour from the album Pretty.Odd
Northern Downpour is Panics most recent single and music video. It is a calm, easy song. Nothing rushed about it at all. The film clip is done in black and white. All PATD songs are full of metaphors and are interesting to listen too. Lyricist Ryan Ross studied creative writing at college, and wrote the entire first album and most of the songs of Pretty.Odd.
Northern Downpour was a favoured song off the album by most fans and was picked thus because of the fans. With lyrics such as:
And then she said she can't believe Genius only comes along in storms of fabled foreign tongues Tripping eyes and flooded lungs Northern downpour sends its love
its easy to see why this song captures my attention and holds it whilst listening to it. The lyrics are simply amazing. Sure, Brendon Urie (Lead singer, PATD) hasnt got the best voice on the planet, but it certainly isnt the worst, and the songs he sings suits his voice. And yea, Ryan Ross (the back in singer, lead guitarist and lyricist) his voice isnt strong, and definitely is not meant for the songs on pretty.odd, but get used to it and it couldnt be sung any other way. I highly recommend Northern Downpour to anyone who wants something calm and easy. Itunes is perfect and it helps to support a fantastic bad.
And the second song for today is from Panic's first album (A Fever You Can't Sweat Out). the album is fast paced, angry and full of emotion.
the song is Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off. The song is full of electronic rock beats and is harsh. The song itself makes no reference to its title, just as none of the songs on this album do, but it gets the point across. Lyricst Ross wrote this song about his ex girlfriend who cheated on him.
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster, faster So testosterone boys and harlequin girls, Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close? So testosterone boys and harlequin girls, Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close
The chorus, written above^ultra catchy and gets stuck in your head. Repeated numerously throughout the song, the entire song starts off raunchy and filled with bitterness. Is it still me that makes you sweat? a then 18(?) year-old Ross wrote the lyrics. It is brilliant and in its angsty, non-conforming way it stands out from other songs by other artists. Plus, the video clip leaves a person wondering what the hell is going on. People with fishbowls on their heads? wtf???
Ok. So there. Now, If you have read through all that. Here is ME!
I finally got to watch Ten Inch Hero today. and the latest Supernatural episode. So I got a double dose of Jensen Ackles (Calls for both a towel and a bucket for drool). I have talked to Becbec, and I have read some. I spent most of the day on the computer. And it has been pouring down with rain. Loving it. Kind of want the power to go out... once I have finished this post.
You know what my dream in life is? To be an author. Of fantasy novels. and of teen novels. I want to be bigger then J.K Rowling. Writing is what I love to do, and there is nothing I want more then to spend the rest of my life writing. But because I want to be a professional at something, I chose the closest thing. Journalism. But that is not my dream, just my substitute until the book is written, or whatevsss. But oh wells. (I am just waiting for my laptop to be fixed before I start on the novel Uncle :])
Tschuess, sehen Sie bald
Posted by FiFi at 21:43 2 comments
Labels: Author, Becbec, Music, Panic at the disco
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
So, because I am so totally awesome and ninja and because of my ninja-ness I can update and stuff super quick. So, with my ninja-ness I am blogging again today.
Wells bells, I have been talking to the beautiful and gracious Becbec about my blog. What I should add to my blog, because it is so simple and boring I need some interesting and cool stuff. so....
I love hair. Like, not hairdressing love, but... I love good hair. Sce.ne hair. E.mo hair. (I decided to put fullstops in them so my blog cant be found via those words.) I even like some sixties hairstyles. I know it probably sounds sad and egocentric, but I love my hair. Especially when it is done good. I like my hair to look good. I dont care if other people think it looks bad, but as long as I like it. LOL. ok so this blog entry wasnt meant to be about my hair.
Ok, so I am going to pick some shit out of E.mo/Sce.ne hair or compliment it. Because I think I am a good enough judge of that type of hairstyle. So, from now on, (what day is today?) Wednesdays are going to be hair judging days for me :) Awesome huh?Ok, so Number One Sce.Ne hair.
No offence to the girl. none intended at all. cant link her because I've had this pic for agess
ok. the Coontails? (ie. the stripe black and white in her fringe. namde derived from raccoon tails) perfectly done. Maybe too many, and shouldnt really be done in the fringe, but they are well done. The flower in her hair? umm, yeh, nah a big NONO. Probs best to have a smaller flower or a small bow yea! The bobbie pin in the fringe should come out once the hair has been sprayed. Overall quite good :)
*Hair Extenstions anyone*Number Two Sce.ne hair. Once again no offence intended.
So. Coontails (read above about coontails) are tiny, too many and not very well done. The spacing in them is minute and uneven. Plus the rest of her hair is obviously pretty much her natural hair colour. How does that equal sce.ne? None of the poof that scene hair usually has. Hair isnt even straightened that good. sure its the kinda straight you want for your leavers dinner of prom, but for sce.ne hair? the ends are flicked outwards people! not straight!. Sure its cute and nice. But compare it to the one above and its nothing. No individuality or anything about it.
But it is nice. there is no denying that.
ok. So there we have it. two sce.ne hairstyles judged today. I am sorry I couldnt reference the pictures because I just have them sitting around on my hardrive that I saved yonkiedonkey ages ago!
With Love
Posted by FiFi at 16:49 2 comments
Labels: bored, e.mo, hair, ninga-ness, sce.ne
Sickness, Crazy Grandmothers Etc
Ok, so no posts lately. Hmmm whyy? Well that could be because I was very sick the other day. Like vomiting and head spins and everything. Ohh it was bad. I felt like I was dying, or in labour, LOL. I ended up falling asleep on the hallway floor at dads cause I had gotten comfortable there and was scared that if I moved to a bed it would make me sick again. So I was given a blanket and a pillow and slept. And then Becbec called. Goodbyeee sleep. LOL. But thats ok cos it was Becbec. We had been on the phone to each other most of the day. I did, after all, get her to call me at 6:30 my time, so 8:30 hers because I was up so early.
But that day passed, and then yesterday I felt alright when I wasn't moving around too much or doing anything. And I was on the phone to Becbec a lot again, as always seems to be the case. LOL. And then Gar.Nie and I went up to the servo to get lunch and to talk to Uncle for a few minutes. We spent a while up there. I had the most yummy roll ever. It was a egg, ham, tomato and mayo roll. sound familiar becbec? except you would have yours with cheese and no tomato. well i had mine without cheese and with tomato cos I like tomato and I wasnt allowed cheese because of being sick-ish. LOL. but as I said it was yummy. I want another one. With CHEESE thanks.
Ok, today I have, as normal, spent the day on the phone to Becbec, but its all cool. She keeps me entertained and vice versa.
I got a letter from the Department of Education, and I was thinking Oh shit, my report, but it was just my Students Assistance Scheme approval letter. Which is all good, because that means that I do not have to pay a single thing for college next year, just like this year.
I havent got dressed at all today, because I am a lazy person and cbf doing it. I havent checked my phone to see if I have any messages either, which I usually check as soon as I am up, just out of habbit, because usually I have no messages anyway.
I took some rubbish up to the bin but went the long way because I was trying to be sneaky, and didnt want my nan to know that I was outside. But the dogs decided to bark at me, and my nan saw a person wearing all blue walking up the old driveway. (uhmm, that was me :S) I lied to her and told her I was in the toilet. Well, I had been a few minutes before. But Shhh, my nan is a firm believer in slave labour. I have grown up with it, so now I always tell her in a minute and rarely get around to it. That may seem harsh or mean or whatever to a lot of people, but you seriously dont know my nan. She is a pathological liar. I am serious. You can never trust anything she says, and she wants to know everything. Think Colleen from H&A and you will still have nothing on my nan. If you dont do something she wants right here right now, she gets so angry and fired up. I am serious when I say she is psycho. Especially at me. I mean, dont get me wrong or anything, I love her to bits, she can be the sweetest old lady (when she wants something). but thats rarely. She is pushy and mad and insane. Plus she is a hoarder (spelling?). But thats my nan for ya. What could she do against a seventeen-year-old? I mean, she would never go psycho at the teen, never cut the teen, never do anything wrong, it would be the teen anyway, and the teen could defend herself right? well. I could defend myself, against nan at least, but I dont want to hurt her.
Blah, whinge mode there, because of a crazy old woman that makes the evilest and most cruel of all villains and evil people seem like they are sweet little toothfairy type people. Gahhh.
Ciao! Ci vediamo dopo.
Sunday, 16 November 2008
I love you
So, because of my lack of doing anything today I asked Becbec what to blog about. And because she is a beautiful genius she suggested me blogging about me going to NZ like the things I shall be taking etc etc. So here goes.
To do list:
-recieve passport : Is on its way in the post.
-pay airfare: Check
-tell the people that need to know, or should probs know so they dont try and hangout with someone who isnt there: half done
-pack my bags/suitcase: will do that closer to the date
now just got wait until it gets here
Things I am going to take with me:
-Gar.Nie's phone (she'll be using mine cos mine wont work in NZ)
-Gar.Nie's suitcase (because I don't have one)
-my dresses (2-4 of them)
-my tights (get some more)
-converse (might wear them over on the plane though)
-thongs (ie for those who are american flipflops)
-money (save it up peoples, I want heaps thanks))
- a few t-shirts (because I am povo and don't have that many + I am getting more when in NZ)
-maybe take my straightener (unless becbec gets one)
-eyeliner (cannot live without it)
-toiletries (now if you cant figure that one out then get a brain)
- and probs some other stuff, I will think about it as the time gets closer.
Well, today I put all the stuff on my laptop that I want to keep onto a USB so uncle, the purely amazing and perfect, can clean my hardrive and all the stuff that need to be done to it, he knows, I did know, but through my vagueness have forgotten what it is. I would know if I heard it.
Well Becbec is off the phone to me at the moment because she is bathing Willykins, but she will be ringing me back up. I've been having so much fun talking to her lately, we've been planning, or more to the point I've been planning and she has been listening and agreeing with my plans, lol. As is probably obvious, I am very overly excited, and probs driving most people mad. But hey, I think it is only fair. Last year when Gar.Nie and Bi.D went over to NZ I had to stay behind just so they could go. I should be given the sister of the year award, thats how great I am. So, I had to put up with their excitement for weeks, listening to the song they made up and listen to their plans. It drove me MAD (I know uncle, I was already mad) and the night before they left, when I was about to leave for home I balled my eyes out (as I have a tendency to do) and I think I made them proficiently guilty, at least I hope I did.
I have been to the airport to see becbec off several times now, and each time I go I cry, even though I say that I wont. It's just so hard to see her off and know that I wont see her in ages, I wont get to hug her in ages and I wont get to talk to her face to face, or see willykins for ages, even though we have those beautiful inventions: internet and phone and webcam but they arent the same as the real thing. So, I hate seeing her off, but I also prefer to see her off as I dont want to say bye to early so doing it at the last minute helps.
I get along with becbec heaps good because we have so many similar interests. We both love reading and stuff, and we both love willykins lol. She is probably my best friend because she ahs always been there for me. I love her so much and I am glad we are so close.
In saying this, I don't mean that I dont love my other two sisters. Because I do. More then anything, and they are also my best friends. Always been there for me and vice versa. I dont know what I would do without them. Gar.Nie and Bi.D are the best. All three of my sisters are beautiful and mean the world to me. Even if we do fight like cats and dogs sometimes (I know, frequently uncle!) lol.
Uncle has been busy working outside on the outside of the house. But, because I dont want to get in his way I stay inside on the phone to becbec so neither me nor her get in his way :P okay so thats not really why I stay inside...... Im the coffee maker!!! isnt that right unc????? LOL
love you heaps my beautiful uncle. I call him just uncle because he has always been there, ever since I was a baby. And saying uncle (insert name here) is just too long and doesnt suit him. used to also call him ankle when we were little, probs because sometimes we couldnt say uncle and then it became a joke. Uncle is a second parental figure to me and my sister, and most of the time he is a first parental figure.. I have lived with him for over a year now and I most certainly do not regret living with him. I love the place and him so much. With uncle, and our living place..... It is just perfect, it is really home again, plus its being renovated kinda so its becoming more a home.. the place we live, it is so full of memories. Of mum and childhood, and fun and love.
When I was little I didnt want the place to ever change, but as I have grown I have come to accept it more, sometimes I get a little teary over the changes but it doesnt bother me so much anymore... as long as the changes arent so huge that it will no longer be home. the reason I didnt want the changes to happen when I was little was because how things were was how mum would have remembered things and I didnt want to lose that because that was some of the last things I had of mum. But now I know that mum wouldnt mind. That mum would probs want the changes and the changes arent so drastic. Plus I have other things of mum.
Wow that was pretty deep. LOL. I got a bit teary writing that, hmm emotional much? oh wells,, moving on.
that is the end of this ramble
Au revoir
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Ramble Bamble Blah
Ahh, isn't it fun to sit at home and relax, or should I say die of boredom? Well, truth be told, it wasn't that boring.
Spent almost the entire day talking to Becbec, but I don't mind cos she is brilliant and I love her heaps. No, Becbec, I am NOT suck-holing :P
cam2cam with her as well because we are awesome like that.
I found a pair of skinnies to wear today. Cos all my clothes are in the wash cos daghda slept on the couch and got her fur all over them, daghda being the dog. The skinnies are an old pair, that has holes in them and I wrote on because they were holey. They are too big for me in length and width. LOL.
I read a blog entry on one of my friends myspace pages. It was quite deep and meaningful, if a little grammatically incorrect. It was about the local hangout area for teenagers in the city of the state in Australia in which I live in. I happen to agree with her on what she has said. about the teens that are classified as "emo" or "scene" from one side and the teens that are classified as "bogans" or "deros" from the other side, and the violence that ensues between the two over nothing more then the fashion sense of the two. But because of that it has esclatated to more then that. They fight over useless and stupid shit. which all boils down to the colour and length of ones fringe basically. STUPID FREAKING MORONS.
But nobody outside of teenagers care. not even the teens care.
I, as I said previously, am in agreeance with what she had to say.
"We are not the disaffected youth of tomorrow. We are more than that, but as kinda, that's what people think when they hear the vulgar language and see the things that happen. But then you tell us we are the future, but what is to say about the future if each generation gets worse than the one before? No one can predict what's going to happen, but if something isn't done-instead of it being seen as a minor issue, then we are going to end up."
Well. Taken straight from her blog, she has a point.
Enough about that blog, this is my own blog.
I have a bottle of red creaming soda above my head and it is fantabulous, so yummy. I haved my curtain open so i can see the trees blowing in the wind and the grey sky. The best of the trees are the ones that belong on my, or rather my uncles, property. The rest are just basic Australian trees, so nothing extraordinary about them. Ever since I was a little girl I have loved trees. I used to love climbing them, though I wasn't so fond of climbing back down them as I had a weird fear that I would fall out of them, yet I wasn't worried about that when I was climbing them.
Well, Becbec wanted a post, so there ya go lovely.
See ya on the flip side
Friday, 14 November 2008
So, a not so busy day today. Sitting at home, talking to Becbec. And planning. Planning what is going to happen while in NZ. Not that half of it will probably happen. But where is the fun in no plans?
So far we have to places to go to for fun:
- Spookers... the horror place. OMG it looks so awesome. and because I am seventeen I can get in!!! LOL. Kumar IS going into the haunted house and stuff with me, cos Becbec is too wussy and she will have Willie to look after.. did I mention Wuss?????
-Rainbows End.... oohoohooohoooh I have wanted to go there for ages, it looks so much fun. becbec hasnt been there yet. so it should be fun, even if she doesnt go on any rides.
and then, there is the thing we ARE doing for the first night. GOING OUT TO DINNER. That happens so rarely. We will be going to an Indian Restaurant that is situated not far from where becbec lives. and I have been desiring some Indian food for a while. We have a few Indian restaurants here but they arent the same, well in my opinion anyway, lol.
so we were looking at all the fun things we could do and they seemed the best. We WILL come up with more things to do as well. Especially as me and Becbec cannot resist shopping when we are together, even if it is window shopping.
I am so very looking forward to seeing my Becbec and Willykins again,,, ooooh it has been way to long, even if it was only in september. as i said, wayyyyyy tooo long.,!
well, still talking to Becbec on the phone, though slightly ignoring her to write this so i will be off
Adios Amigo!!
Posted by FiFi at 14:55 1 comments
Labels: Becbec, Fun, Rainbows End, Spookers, Will
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Pheww, today has been long and tiring and it is only 12:04
Went down into Kings Meadows to put my passport in that had to be fixed up. But had to get my guarantor to re-sign it again. That took a while, because she is a hairdresser and had clients at the time. So, by the time that that was signed I was a little bit late for my appointment. But that didn't matter so much because there were no appointments after mine. The dude that was going over it found a mistake, my guarantor had stuffed up the date. So we had to get that whole bit redone. And because dads last name is different to what it was on his birth certificate as to mine meant that we needed his and mums marriage certificate. So he had to go and get that while I had to get my guarantor to re-do her bit. So ages later I'm standing outside of the post office again waiting for dad, only for him to come over and realise that I had been standing there all along. He had been standing up a bit further for ages waiting for me. LOL
omg what a waste of time. I am so dead from all of that. But I am so glad that that is all done.
Going to New Zealand on the 31st of December, to see Becbec and willie. so....
Plane tickets: check
passport: Sent away for.
I look like a criminal in my passport photo, and it looks nothing like me really, making my grade ten school photo look like a supermodel. Well, I most certainly am not a supermodel.
Looking forward to NZ 48 days till i go
Saw a friend of the family while I was sitting being bored. Uncle, and Becbec you know her. Uncles Ex ring a bell?? lol Note to self: Tell Uncle about that.
Well byee
gotta do the rest of the day now
Posted by FiFi at 12:04 0 comments
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Rubbish intro
I could write about myself, and it could be quite interesting. Or I could write about something else entirely. But I dont really care which one I write about. As this blog is about my "mundane musings".
NCIS is on the television at the moment. Good show that one. I like it, its not so focused on the characters as on the actual story line, but at the same time it leans on the characters. I think the characters are quite well rounded and humourous.
I'm seventeen-years-old, female, and have been told that I am quite vague sometimes. My interests lay heavily towards writing, reading and art, and I have recently discovered a love for making short little videos.
I have many different aspirations for my life. My main goal is to become an author. But I start stories and never finish them.
I have three sisters and a nephew. Writing about myself has never been easy for me, because my personal self is quite actually pretty boring. I feel uneasy writing or talking about myself because I feel that people might be thinking I think too much of myself, but you know what? I no longer care about that. So here goes:
I am quite smart, and I believe I know more than the average, or even slightly above average, teenager and young adult. I don't like a lot of people, but I don't say anything to their faces because I don't like confrontation. Well public confrontation.
I dont excessively text people, because the person I am texting may not want me to text them or they might be doing something so I don't want to interrupt them.
I type very fast, and love typing and showing my speed off. Because I know I am faster then most people. Seeing as I lack speed on the sporting field.
Speaking of sport. I suck horribly at anything physical. It just is not my thing. I would use any excuse to get out of sport throughout high school. I would re-use notes, etc etc. Sport is not something that should be glorified the way it is, because they are not the people that are going to better the world.
well enough
next post might actually be interesting.
Posted by FiFi at 21:06 1 comments
Labels: first post, sport, writing