Oooh the pain, the pain I tell you.
I spend over an hour and a half walking, without a break. Because I am so awesomely awesome. Just to go to the servo to get an EGG CHEESE MAYO HAM TOMATO AND LETTUCE ROLL. so, I left at 12:20 and got there at 1:50. Man did I die. I was listening to music the entire way, and texting. Just to keep entertained, because I dont like being by myself lol. SO I talkedd to Becbec half way and sent her pics of the area on my phone to her email :P
Ok. So, I am the best sister in the entire world. There is no denying that. Last year, or maybe at the beginning of this year (I wouldnt know, I get dates confused) i half paid for GeeGee's first car. 500 buckeroos just for her. And I did not expect her to pay me back.. SO she didnt lol. and now, she is getting another car. Dads Toyota Celica. But she has to pay him a hundred bucks a fortnight for three years. Well Dearies, best sister in the entire world steps in again. I am paying $50 a fortnight and she is paying $50. Bloodyhell she is lucky to have me as a sister.
Yesterday I bought myself some extensions :) and dyed my hair black again. Well Boop dyed it and she got it all over my face. Just like she did the night before my leavers dinner. SO i have blacky-blue dye all over my forehead.. its such a hott look :P
ok. thats it.
love you
New Venture
9 years ago
And like yeah - what does unc drive? A clapped out old truck! And you sat around the servo while I tried to work yabbering away happily lol
well that is what i do best! :P
Now that we've established I'm like part of your family you will pay for half a car for me too, right? ;-)
Do you get partial ownership of the car? I remember buying my first car when I was 16 from my grandparents. They gave me a good deal, but I had to use all of my savings and make some payments. I still have that car now and will keep it until it dies on me.
You will have to post pictures of your new hair color and the extensions! My sis just got hair extensions a few weeks ago. It's so cool how it blends in with her hair. And weird when she takes them out and they are laying on the floor of her room. It looks like she went on a rampage and cut all of her hair off.
Yes you are a wonderful person Fifi and your daddy loves how you help out your sisters.
lol.... Hmmm, well we are looking to get a car to fifi. Add me to your growing list of people to buy cars for, lol
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