It is unbelievable how fast time flies. It feels like only last week Becbec and I started counting down from 50 the days left til I went to NZ. And now, tomorrow... I will be there.
The excitement I feel is unparalleled to anything. My birthdays dont even compare. I am finally leaving Tasmania for the first time.. and to travel outside of Australia?? I mean yea sure, Becbec, GeeGee and Boop have already done it, but thats not the point. I am the only one out of my sisters to never have done it.. NOW I AM!!!
I feel like giggling and jumping up and down and grinning insanely. Tapping my legs and doing an excitement jig... LOL. my hands are shaking and my tummy has butterflies and I feel like a little kid all over again. Christmas is back for me... (And it will be for becbec and willykins..) I dont think i will be able to sleep tonight... Plus I will be getting up at four in the morning to get ready... DO my hair, makeup and stuff... Gotta look perfect..
I want to do things to distract myself but anything i do isnt enough. Can i just be in NZ already? that would be nice...
$870 in my wallet atm.. 10 from dad (thank you daddy) 10 from nan.. :) $500 from GeeGee (thank you sosososososo much my beautiful sister) and $350 from myself.
I hope i have everything I need. I keep thinking that I have forgotten something, but I dont think I have.. I hope I havent..(Must just be the hairspray that I know I cannot take with me :( Need Hairspray Peoples. and I dont know if they sell my hairspray in NZ.. would be just my luck that they didnt.)
Well.. ima off to read uncs blog now
Nighty night
Looking forward to tomorrow sooooooooo much :)
New Venture
9 years ago
Lol - I know you are so excited - and so you should!! Enjoy your trip and have a great time sweetie - love you heaps - see you soon xo
I'm excited too! I'm so happy that you are happy. I can see you grinning as you read the comment and/or look at your fully packed suitcase lol. Only a few hours now fifi and you will be off on your 1st big OE!!
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