So, I went and saw Twilight at the movies. Dad paid,,, :) and then I bought the book.. $25.00. went to the library and couldnt find a single Stephenie Meyer book. So we then went to Bir.Challs (the biggest book shop in Laun.ces.ton, but they did not have Twilight, they had every other book in the series but TWILIGHT. So, then we went to Ang.Us and Rob.Ert.Son and there was ONE twilight book left, so I all but ran to get it... :P So, now I own it.. FINALLY!!
I have been talking to Becbec a bit tonight, but she's talking about the airport a lot... but im kinda not listening...:P apparantly I am going to go into a "flatspin"Becbecs words... I AM NOT GOING TO MISS MY FLIGHT.. I AM GOING TO DO IT. SO BECBEC, GEEGEE AND EVERYONE ELSE NEEDS TO STOP SAYING IM NOT GOING TO. I WILL BE THE MOST MATURE ONE OUT OF US GIRLS.
Ahh, the youth of today. So wild, so not innocent.
I will present you with a list of wild antics I have NEVER done. NEVER EVER. Nope, not me. All because I am a good, innocent little girl..
I highly advise Unc NOT to read this.... Please
Dont read this.!!!!
-I have NEVER been drunk. (I am, after all, underage.)
-I have NEVER been to an underage party
-I have NEVER kissed a guy I only met that night
-That guy I NEVER kissed was not my first kiss
-Nor was the guy I NEVER kissed Gay.
-The Second guy I NEVER kissed was also NEVER gay
-Nor was the second guy I NEVER kissed also a guy I NEVER met that night.
-I have NEVER danced with any Gay guys
-And certainly NEVER with any straight guys
-I have NEVER played Spin-the-bottle
-And the game of spin-the-bottle I NEVER played NEVER involved my best friend
-I have NEVER kissed any girls
-And some of the girls I NEVER kissed were NEVER lesbians (or bisexual)
-And some of the girls I NEVER kissed were NEVER any of my friends.
-I have NEVER fallen into an empty bathtub because I was laughing
-And the guy that NEVER caught me from NEVER falling into the bathtub was NEVER one of the guys that I NEVER kissed
-I NEVER got my make-up done for my Leavers Dinner by a gay guy
-And I NEVER met the Gay Guy that Never did my Make-Up for my Leavers Dinner at a party that I NEVER attended.
-I NEVER did anything silly at a party
-Though I NEVER attended any parties
-I NEVER giggle
-I NEVER said stupid things
-I Never joined in silly games
-And finally I NEVER stayed awake the entire party just to play pranks on other people.
*([ Okay, so the above is false. It is a list of things that I have actually done... No its not uncle, dont worry, i never did any of that... that is if you read that.!])*
Whatever happened to the innocence of youth?
i dont think a single one of my friends is innocent... they are all wild, and stupid... half of them are druggies, half of them barely have a brain between them.. barely any of them live at home.. hardly any of them dont go a month without partying wildy. they all think they are HARDXCORE. they are all wussie but think they arent.. And probably ninety percent of them are gay or bi. But to tell you the truth, i think some of them are pretty awesome people. I dont care if they do drugs, drink or smoke.. i dont care that they think they are the best, because even if they do do all that they are people i can get along with.. And I am willing to accept them for whatever they are, whoever they are, because that is just what should be done, and with some of them, other people arent as accepting.
but those silly teenagers that are the people I hangout with arent as important to me as my family. Because my family are the ones that put up with me, and i with them.
New Venture
9 years ago
lol, omg and awww lol
Kids these days ;-)
YOU ARE SOOOOOOOO GROUNDED - LIKE FOREVER!!!!!! (Not that I ever did some of that stuff when I was young and I DEFINITELY did not kiss any guys - only girls lol)
Oh - I like the grovelling at the end - I love you too Fifi
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