These three images were taken throughout this year. the two shots with just me and one other person are me and Boop. the one with the three of us is me Shel.don and (i think thats her name, ive only met her a couple of times)... goodtimes goodtimes. Toyworld, witches hats.. Yes, we were sobre.
so there is three? days left til I finally leave tassie for the first time.. and go to NZ. =] so looking forward to it. I dont think I will be able to sleep for the next few nights, and the days are going to take forever.
I am so looking forward to seeing Becbec and willykins again, and finally actually meeting Kumar.
Plus as an added bonus Kumars brother is going to be the one picking me up from the airport!!!!!! :D OMG... apparantly he is going to leave work early to get ready to pick me,, (get ready to impress me :D) lol. ahhahaha. I'm looking forward to meeting him as well.. The girls (ie my sisters) have been saying he's even better looking in person then in his photos (and that is saying something) and one of them has even gone so far as to say he is DIVINE (So telling him that bahah!!)...
SPent the day on the phone to Becbec.. and started packing my suitcase... i still have a bit more stuff to put in it.. plus i need to put stuff in my messenger bag and will have to put my laptop in the laptop case. and some other stuff... got to find willy and becbecs pressies to put in the suitcase as well.
well actually at the moment i am stenched out... NAN.
for the few days before christmas eve i spent with Boop and my cousin Shel.don (he's my best friend outside of becbec.) he came down home with me and we stayed up the whole night talking, didnt get to sleep til around 6am, and then nan decided to make heaps of noise and try and wake us up, we all ignored her.
to explain how shel.don is my cousin would probably take a lot of effort.. but i am going to try it.. he is my mums mums sisters daughters daugthers son.... lol. or my nans great great nephew. LOL
the lounge room stinks.. so we left it and went to teh kitchen.. the stench has wafted to the kitchen so i went outside. sitting on the backstep breathing fresh air... ahhhh blessed fresh air.... the stench is disgusting.... we know what is causing the stench, but we cannot get rid of it, because then we would be murderers... (it aint no rat..) she knows who she is, but she wont admit it.
ok enough rambling.
New Venture
9 years ago
a) you are so not going (kumar's brother).
b) she knows who she is and what shes done and all my trees wilted.
c) I can't breathe gaaaassssspppppp - cough - choke...... and
d) a bug just flew into my ear.....
a)yes... and i shall perve like nothing else
b)my nose wilted
c)i can smell it again. open the goddamn door (patd reference)
d)earlier a bug flew up my nose
e)you are a weird donkey, you crack me up you drunk goose
z) oh God - shes done it again.......
LMAO. did you get the bug out?
3 days, hehe. Not long.
DW, kumars bro will love you... And unc may not agree with that one though... except when he is drunk, lol. Bit like now really, lol.
Unc the trees wilted ages ago... You took off your shoes! hehe. Getting off the phone now and running far away, lol
hahah, not long at all. ohh i know he will love me :D
hahahaha Becbec? running? MAN I crack myself up sometimes HAHAHAHAH
Run I shall. You guys need to join me by the sounds of things, lol. BREATHE DEEP. Inhale... exhale.... mmmm yummy!! hehe
Meanie... im learning to live without breathing... its difficult but im getting there!!
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