Ok, so now I am in New Zealand. Using Becbecs laptop cos I am too lazy to log onto my own.
So I was woken up this morning at 4am by father switching on the light and handing me Becbec (ie the phone). Got up and got dressed and did my hair and make-up... Left for the airport and almost died of excitement.
At the airport The guy that "served" me was a gay guy named Mark. He was very nice and helpful. Then father and I sat down and i filled out this form thing. After I went through the X-ray machine I realised I didnt know which gate i was supposed to go to, so I asked the security guard and he had no idea, so he pointed me to where everyone else was in gate 3. so I sit there and then find out that it was the wrong place.. after everyone was lining up to get onto their flight.. so i went to gate two and waited..
The taking off was awesome. I loved it and I loved watching the land fly by underneath. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. But i didnt really like watching as we went over the water to Melbourne because it gave me motion sickness.... LOL. just my luck..
i get to Melbourne and easily find my way around. get hungry jacks, have a look around and then go to the international terminal. once there i discover at almost 10am that my 12am flight had been delayed.... til 4PM. Ohh it was hell and I died of boredom... I spent ages on the phone to Becbec and Nan and Uncle and GeeGee.. people probably named me the phone girl. LOL.
SO after Hours of waiting, dying of boredom.. i finally got on the plane.. and sat in the wrong seat.. i got the right seat eventually.. and watched WANTED...
I am soooooo over airports.. Always stuffing up some how.....
SO now I am in Auckland With my best friend/Sister and her partner and my beautiful nephew...
I know that it was rushed,,, i am just very tired and cant be overly bothered going into detail about it.. maybe tomorrow or the day after... but soon.
SO.. A very long day later and I am in the living room semi watching Eli Stone and talking to Becbec and dying of heat exhaustion.
Goodnight.. It is 12:09am... so it is completely understandable that i stop now lol
Love you uncle.. Miss you
New Venture
9 years ago
Love you too sweetie....xo
Yay, you made it!! It's better to be delayed than to rush around and then end up missing a flight!
Give Becky and Will a hug for me!
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