Hmm, so, today was great, brilliant. I was lazing around on the laptop, talking to Becbec. Watching High School Musical online, eating Lamingtons, Chicken wingdings, Yogo Gorrilla Yoghurt, Bananas, chatting on msn. it was fun, basic but fun. The way days should be.
And then, I was talking to Boop. Our friends were in a car accident. The driver is dead. Three passengers in hospital with serious injuries.
Joshy G (the driver). I am sure that it is pretty anonymous as to who that is. how many Josh's are there?
18 Years-Old. College student. Awesome guy,(and not just saying that because he died). He was seriously a nice guy. Loved to party. He called himself a jock/nerd/emo/scenekid and he got along with them all.
I remember the first time I met him. Earlier this year. With Boop and E.rin. He was a complete random. But so funny. And then, after that, whenever I saw him he would give me a hug, say hello, ask me how I was. I never hung out with him much. Now, I wish I did, I wish I had've got to know him better, but now, its probably best I didn't.
We went to a party together. Me and some others went and picked him up. We danced together, drank together.. Him and the other Josh (fondly titled W.endy) were having a competition. Something about being the bigger party animal. that type thing. Man, did he love to party. He liked to get involved.
RIP JoshyG
The thing is. Now I will never get to see him again. I'm never going to get to dance, or party, or drink with him again. and I dont want that. I want him alive. I want to be able to walk passed him in college or in town and say hi to him.
Its like it is beyond my comprehension. but i dont want to comprehend it at all if it means he would still be here.
Love you JoshyyG
New Venture
9 years ago
I'm so sorry fifi. I wish there was more I could say or do. But there isn't.
I can't comprehend why this should happen to such a young person who was so full of life and had so much more ahead of him.
rip joshy g.
Oh Fi - what do I say - I think you have said all there is to say very well..... keep safe sweet
No one should have to go through this. Whether it is a friend or family member, it's heartbreaking when someone so young dies so suddenly. I feel really bad that you are experiencing this. *HUG* There isn't anything I can say that will make you feel better, but he sounds like an amazing person and I'm glad that I'm able to learn some about him.
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