Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope you all had (or have) a brilliant christmas that you will remember for years to come.
I shall inform you all with the list of my presents (or the presents that I can remember.. Short term memory here.)
-Anvers Chocolates (Dad)
-Chocolates (GeeGee)
-Chocolates (Nan)
-A Whale (Tu.Llen)
-Shoes [Vabns] (Uncle)
-Skinnies (Uncle)
-Grow your own crystals (Boop)
-Heavenly incense making kit [I think] (Boop)
-Mascara (Boop)
-Ring (GeeGee)
-New Moon by Stephenie Meyer (Dad)
-Deoderant (Boop)
-Hair Straightener (Dad)
-Jonas Brothers CD (Dad)
-Two pairs of underwear :P (Boop)
-$850 (Geegee and FiFi)
I think that was the extent of my presents... Its the most presents I have gotten in years..and sure it looks like alot written there but when you actually see it it doesnt look like a lot (i know, dont complain, at least i got some yerr?). But when they were all wrapped up under the christmas tree it looked like so much more, but maybe that was with everyones presents though..
Spent Christmas Eve at dads and Christmas morning to open the presents.. We got up at seven am to open them.. the latest we ever have, we used to get up at like four to six.. usually the former..
went down home at around ten thirty to have christmas dinner (Lunch).. Uncle was cooking... While it was being cooked we were on both webcam and the phone to Becbec so she could see and hear what was going on.
Lunch was delicious. Especially the Potato Salad... :D
We walked around a bit and then had desert. Christmas Pudding With Cream and Brandy Custard.. I started mine.. it was so yummy, but then after only a few mouthfuls I couldnt eat anymore....BECAUSE it gave me sweet tooth.. it always does but i always forget about it. It annoys me because then i cant eat it because I just want to get rid of the sweet tooth and so i dont continue the food i was eating once it is gone.
so instead i waited for the vanilla ice cream to defrost and then had a bowl of that with normal cream and the brandy custard.. it was yummy but very filling..
Eventually Boop and dad went back to town and then they day just turned back into a normal day and it doesnt feel like christmas anymore.. Maybe it is just because I am growing up and Christmas isnt that important because there is no little kids (or im not a little kid) to spoil.
Next Year there will be......
I miss the good old christmas' we used to have..
and for those people who think the traditional Australian christmas is held around the bbq and we play backyard cricket and all that... you know, barbie, cricket, boardies and snags....... Welll.... I dont actually know a single family that actualyl does that.. We have a roast (or something pretty similar) with the chutneys and sauces, turkeys (not this year though) hams, those things, and we eat it inside around the kitchen table. INSIDE. Just like anywhere else..So, thats a BIG NO to the bbq cricket and sausages :P
sorry to spoil any beliefs about that.. its just the same as england or america just without the snow... SUMMER christmas... Never a White Christmas... LOL
Merry Christmas World and Readers.
12 years ago
Another cool post by fifi lol - merry xmas sweet.
of course... my blogs posts are always cool
Love you too
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