Sunday, 28 December 2008

Hair, Friends, and Australianism

I dont straighten my hair when I'm not going anywhere
I dont put make-up on when I'm not going anywhere
I like to laze around in my night clothes during the day
while doing whatever on my laptop and talking on the phone to becbec


I straighten my hair to perfection when I am going somewhere. And then mess it up, spike it and spray it to a style I want.
I coat my eyeliner on nice and thick around my eyes and lightly put the foundation on.
I wear Converse (5/6/7) or thongs [8] (flipflops) or my little slip on shoes or my vans (7). I am finally building up my shoe collection.
I wear skinnyleg jeans. All the time. under dresses and tunics. I even considered wearing them to my leavers dinner (Prom) but was talked out of it.
If I wear a skirt or dress without Jeans then I wear my tights. Grey. thick. i dont like my legs...
I generally always wear a jacket.. sometimes even when it is really hot. but that is because i dont like my tshirts. I like my tshirts to be baggy.

I hang out in town at the local foodhall and the mall all the time. My friends are the local Sce.Ne and kids. they all like to think they are awesome, hardcore and misunderstood. (they are pretty awesome. are certainly NOT hardcore and are only misunderstood by themselves). They all belong to the one group but are all split up into separate groups inside that group. We have a united front, but we arent that together.
the group dwindles for a while and then goes back to being big. We rarely converse with people outside our group and those silly teenagers are obssessed with coffee.
I hang out with whoever. If i like the person, or am able to get along with the person, then all is cool. but i try and stick with the same people, cos i am pretty shy. I went to the same school for around ten years, and so i didnt really have to worry about making new friends, and then i had to go to college and i didnt think i was going to make new friends. and then i did. I barely see the people i spent the last ten or so years with and like them less then the people i know now (thats outside of my family). I have spent more time with the people i know now and know them better.
I was surprised at how easy it was to make friends. people are always willing to expand their friendship groups, so accepting someone that was generally quiet, and fun (atleast i like to think so) and someone that didnt argue or cause arguements, was something they didnt have any complaints about.

My main friends (outside my family) are Shel.Don. hes my cousin, and I've "known" him for ever. but i never actually knew him til this year. He's an awesome guy and we never argue. We have a lot of similarities.. and like a lot of the same things.. We have spent so much time together this year.. in my frees (and even in a lot of my non-frees) [frees from college classes]. we would go to KFC pretty much every day. and we have discovered that when we talk to each other we are actually talking a different language. ["Do you remember that night?" and Boop didnt understand a word he said "yeah" and cracking up beacause boop was like "What" and i knew exactly what night he was talking about] and there might be a telepathic connection there as well..

Eli.Se. Met her in english and art this year. she told me that she was jealous of me and ( because we met and were straight up friends... Eli.Se is very very nice. very creative. and i love her to pieces. She is beautiful and is amazing to talk to. She is funny and cute. And if she were a guy... LOL. I was so glad I met her. We shared SA and Art. and on the first day of college she talked to me and that made people think we already knew each other. She reminds me of someone and i dont know who. she is very hypo and loves drama. she cracks me up with her fake irish accent. and is always doing something. i love being around her because she always makes me smile and laugh.

Jes.S she is freaking awesome. she is always calm and collected. her voice is very australian and i love it. i know her the least out of the three of her and i met her in art and via because they were already friends. she is probably the quietest out of us all. and she is really funny.

Me, Eli.Se, and Jes.S met in college and have spent hours just laughing and not doing our work. complimenting each other and insulting each other. we make plans that will probs never happen. JEFS (Jes.s fifi and

=D i love my friends.



Crann Caorthainn said...

Ah - so thats what happened to the grades!! Hmmm - now how can I re-organise things so you actually work in class? I know - I'll talk to a few of my old colleagues from when I taught there..... hee hee hee

FiFi said...

i dont think any of my classes are with any of your old colleagues lol

Becky said...

i love my fifi and will get to see her very soon... hehe, lol

Andrea said...

What are you majoring in? You sound like a fun person, I already consider you a friend, but I know I would if I met you in real life too. I'm pretty easy going too. I get along with most people i meet. Have fun with Becky!

FiFi said...

Andrea i'm majoring in English and Art.. =]
haha thanks
I'm glad you consider me as a friend Andrea because I like to think of you as a friend as well :D

I plan on having fun :D lol. I so cant wait for tomorrow!!!! =D